Clipp Store Serial

Clipp Store Serial 6,3/10 1381 votes

Sam Nassor Visual Development Artist The process of creating complex artwork has been made much easier with the help of Clip Studio Paint's fantastic capabilities. I like how customizable the software is, all shortcuts and modifier keys can be set to different functions easily. And when I'm painting, I like the way colors blend together by using the Mix function in the brush customization menu. I also love using the inking brushes for my line work. They have a very natural feel and a high response to pressure sensitivity; going from thick to thin lines in one smooth stroke is quite easy, especially when using the Stabilization slider that allows you to slow down the brush stroke for more precision. I often keep the color wheel palette on top of the canvas so I can quickly choose the right colors. I also use other advanced color palettes like the approximate color and intermediate color palette.

Both really help choosing colors in different lighting situations. Juaco Garin Director & Producer Our animation studio has the mindset of combining the artistic and expressive values of traditional techniques with the efficiency and speed of digital tools. When comparing animation software, the characteristics that influence us the most are its ability to use timelines, symbols, automatic interpolation or composition. However, when doing traditional animation, the most important thing we look for is what we will be doing the longest: drawing. That's why Clip Studio Paint EX is so attractive to us, since its drawing tools feel very real and the animation interface is strongly based on the procedures of traditional animation.

Greg Taylor Founder, Clipp Greg Taylor is a serial entrepreneur - he started his first business when he was in university and has not had a ‘real job’ since. Clipp is his latest project, a fully Point-of-Sale integrated app that allows customers to open, view, share and pay their bar tab or restaurant bill from their mobile phone. Clipp is used in over 100 venues across Australia ranging from small bars like Bulletin Place, to larger groups like the Argyle and ALH (Woolworths). Greg is also the founder of eCoffeeCard, a loyalty card app used in 1,600 cafes across Australia and by over 230,000 coffee lovers. Previously (1).

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