Ps2 Hdloader 08c Iso

Ps2 Hdloader 08c Iso 5,8/10 2727 votes

I am finding a program called HD Advance and it's fifty bucks! A friend of mine has already installed the drive in his PS2 (I may be doing this as well) and wants to use it, but the thing does not access it. Isn't there an open-source program somewhere that lets you do this? I'm not talking about a full blown Linux distro. He still wants to play games on it (but I'm interested in that part myself). Is there an open-source free alternative for this?


Oct 25, 2016  HDLoader allows you to install and run your Playstation 2™ games directly from a Hard Disk drive connected to your console (Sony PS2 Network. Install PS2 Games: Main Page. LCS/GTA:VCS - HD Loader v0.8C/v3.8C: HDLoader 8B - BIN/CUE/ISO - CD. Jan 2, 2018 - Ps2 Hd Loader 0 8c Iso. I finally bit the bullet & purchased the Playstation 2 HD Loader so I. I'm on.8cYeah, version 0.8c is mine as well.

The console has been out for several years now, I'd honestly be surprised if there isn't. Searching got me lost in a sea of halfway promising looking links. After a few tries I basically gave up, too many to sift through. You'll need a 'Fat' PS2 with the Network Adapter.

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You'll also need a Codebreaker disc (anything above Version eight), a Memory Card, and a USB Flash Drive that will work with a PS2. Then go to and download the latest versions of UlaunchELF, Free McBoot, and HDLoader.08c. You should also want the program WiinHip which will give you the option to install PS2 games onto a hard drive from a PC.

This site also has instructions on how to install the stuff to the memory card. Having something like IsoBuster might not be a bad idea for certain games that cannot be installed properly from either HDLoader or WiinHip. Use IsoBuster to make an ISO of a game then use WiinHip to install it to the PS2 HDD. I have a 160GB drive in my PS2 and HDLoader runs great. The only game I have trouble trying to install is 'Half-Life' and I hope to have that installed soon.

Edited by R.A.Rusk, Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:51 PM. You'll need a 'Fat' PS2 with the Network Adapter. You'll also need a Codebreaker disc (anything above Version eight), a Memory Card, and a USB Flash Drive that will work with a PS2. Then go to and download the latest versions of UlaunchELF, Free McBoot, and HDLoader.08c.

You should also want the program WiinHip which will give you the option to install PS2 games onto a hard drive from a PC. This site also has instructions on how to install the stuff to the memory card. Having something like IsoBuster might not be a bad idea for certain games that cannot be installed properly from either HDLoader or WiinHip. Use IsoBuster to make an ISO of a game then use WiinHip to install it to the PS2 HDD. I have a 160GB drive in my PS2 and HDLoader runs great.