Vaenga Zhelayu Peredelka Prikoljnaya

Vaenga Zhelayu Peredelka Prikoljnaya 6,6/10 7369 votes

Parakala Vangmayi did schooling from Hyderabad. Later, she took admission in Delhi University. She is currently residing in New Delhi with her mother while her father stays in Hyderabad due to his professional commitment. Boyfriend of Parakala Vangmayi Vangmayi has not revealed anything about her personal life, including relationship status. No one outside her close circle is aware of her status - whether she is single or having a boyfriend.

Parshat Vayakhel - Pekudei. Questions Vayakhel. On which day did Moshe assemble the Jewish People? Why is the prohibition against doing work on Shabbat.

Vangmayi is NOT an Army Officer A post had become viral over social media claiming that Vangmai works with the Indian Army. An image showing a woman army officer with that of Sitharaman was shown to give credence to this 'wonderful' news.

However, it was completely a fake story. As mentioned above, Vangmayi is still studying. She has plans to go for higher studies. That Indian Air Force attack on JeM training camp in Balakot has inflicted heavy damage was never in doubt. However, some credible reports emerging out of Pakistan can give a pack of good news to India. It is believed that Masood Azhar was seriously hurt in the attack.

He along with Colonel Salim, a top rank former ISI officer, was rushed to Army Hospital where Colonel Salim was declared brought dead. They were sleeping at the Seminary when S – 2000 Precision Guided Missile hit the area. It was immediately sealed by the Army and even local police was not allowed to enter. Journalists were taken to Jaba to give an impression that only few trees were fallen after Indian air strike. Masood Azhar was critical. He died on 2nd March, 2019. Pakistani establishment is aware of the condition of Masood Azhar.

However, it is impossible for them to accept the truth for obvious reasons. The Foreign Minister has only let the world know that Masood is in Pakistan and is seriously ill. Some reports. Shahzaz Ud Din was the Wing Commander of Pakistan Air Force. He was regarded as one of the best fighters in the air. In an unfortunate series of events, he died on 27th February.

Certified data center professional. It is tragic to note that his martyrdom is yet to be recognized by the Pakistani establishment. Shahzad Ud Din was flying F – 16 A/B. He was leading the combination of 24 jets that attacked India in retaliation of IAF Balakot strike on 26th February.

While returning, he was chased by an Indian MiG – 21 Bison of Indian Air Force Wing Commander Abhinandan. F - 16 was locked and R - 73 Missile was fired by Abhinandan. Indian jet was also hit and few minutes later both Shahzad and Abhi were parachuting down to the earth. Shahzad fell down in semi conscious condition. He was thrashed by locals who thought him to be an IAF commander as his jacket was torn beyond recognition.

At the same time, Abhinandan was also being thrashed by another group of locales at an entirely different location. Pakistan Army, in fact, beli.